Monday, 23 January 2017


Now, don't get me wrong.. I'm not sitting here at the ripe old age of 24 thinking I'm 'old'. I had a conversation with my boyfriend the other day about how I feel that I'm finally at that age where I am able to reflect upon my teenage years. From your GCSE's, to your A Levels and right up until the end of University (if you followed that path), we are placed in line to follow the norm and do what everyone else around is is doing. Once you finish one course, you're straight onto the next, and it's quite a big deal to break free and do something else, especially at that age.

Now, at 24, I have been working for three years and I finally feel like I am in control. It's my decision to shape my own destiny and there is no visible 'next-step'. So, looking back over the past few years and having slowed down a little, there's some advice that I'd give my younger self.

1. Slow Down. I mean this in every day form, but also in ode to my aspirations. I'm an organised person so I like to get things done. However, that means frantically hustling throughout the day, trying to get things done. A day passes and I don't know what I've done. I've not been present in the moment. So, what I mean is, take some time to live life each day in its truest form. Relax and stop rushing because you'll never get this time back. You have a long life ahead of you and there will be plenty of time to do everything that you want.

2. Live In & Enjoy The Moment. This fits in with slowing down. Sometimes my life can be so busy that I never really can stop and appreciate the moment. Whether I'm in London with my boyfriend, or hanging out with my friends having dinner, there is always going to be things going on, but these can wait. Memories are things that you will have forever, not that small thing you need to do which can actually wait until next week.

3. Nothing Is The Be All & End All.  No matter how difficult or stressful a situation is, it's important to know that nothing lasts forever. The great thing about the world is time. It comes and it goes. You have the whole world at your feet so just remember that this thing that is inconveniencing your life right now, won't matter in a month, a year, or ten years, so try and not stress too much.

4. Pick Wisely. This comes down to the simple things. Friends. Career. Relationships. When you grow up you come to realise exactly who your true friends are and the people that you surround yourself with are the ones that reflect and influence your life the most. With your career pick wisely. Go out and get that dream job and don't give up. Pick what makes you happy. Thats the most important thing.

5. Be Happy. The ultimate rule. Always be happy. Now I know this is probably very cliche.. however I'm the biggest believer in being happy. Happiness is in everything that you do. Life is far too short to see the negative things in life, so join the glass is half full club, it's way more fun!


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