Now, don't get me wrong.. I'm not sitting here at the ripe old age of 24 thinking I'm 'old'. I had a conversation with my boyfriend the other day about how I feel that I'm finally at that age where I am able to reflect upon my teenage years. From your GCSE's, to your A Levels and right up until the end of University (if you followed that path), we are placed in line to follow the norm and do what everyone else around is is doing. Once you finish one course, you're straight onto the next, and it's quite a big deal to break free and do something else, especially at that age.
Now, at 24, I have been working for three years and I finally feel like I am in control. It's my decision to shape my own destiny and there is no visible 'next-step'. So, looking back over the past few years and having slowed down a little, there's some advice that I'd give my younger self.