Sunday, 18 September 2016


Hello everybody, 

Welcome back to my brand new blog design. It looks great doesn't it? If I can say so myself. Now this change has been a long time coming. I got to a point in my life where I was extremely busy at work, and trying to juggle the work/life balance along with my blog just wasn't working out for me.

Life took over and before I knew it, my career was taking off, but my blog got left behind. Things have settled now and for a good few months, I've had this niggling feeling that something has been missing. Something to channel my creativity into, something for me to be passionate about. So that's why I decided to re-vamp my blog. A lot has changed since I started my blog, I am a different person - I am growing up and I have different goals. My passions remain the same, but for the first time ever, I have a clear vision on how I want my blog to be and how I want it to represent me.

I have been working on re-designing my blog now for about 3 months, and let me tell you, it has not been easy. I am my biggest critic, yet I wanted to represent me at my best, so I can pour my heart and soul into this. 

I hope you like the new design. Feedback is always welcome, although I'm not sure how many more coding and HTML videos I can watch… 

I hope you enjoy reading my new content as much as I enjoy writing it and I'm really happy to be back. I better leave before I keep on typing.. Can you tell I've missed blogging?!

Have a great day whatever you are doing and see you on the flip side!

- x-

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